
Hello, welcome to Chongqing Jiatai Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd

customer service hotline:86-23-67412686

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(1) 1995 to create "Chongqing Jiatai machinery factory in Chongqing Jiangbei dashiba, main motorcycle parts processing.

(2) in 1998, the plant from the "Chongqing Jiangbei Boulder Dam" successfully relocated to Yubei, Chongqing two".

(3) in 2001 from the "motorcycle parts processing" the successful transition to the "production of gasoline engine cylinder head"; the same year, the enterprise was renamed "Chongqing Jiatai Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd".

(4) in 2003 through ISO9001:2002 quality system certification and certificate; the same year in Chongqing, Beibei set up a "Chongqing Huantai Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd., mainly engaged in the cylinder head casting blank.

(5) was established in 2004 in Chongqing Yubei Chongqing Kaijia Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. "(social welfare enterprises), mainly engaged in the machining of the cylinder head; then, general gasoline engine cylinder head production exceeded 1 million sets.

(6) enterprises in 2008 through the ISO/TS16949:2002 quality system certification and obtain the certificate.

(7) 2009 "Jiatai company", "company moved into Yubei Kaijia" two mold industrial park, the new plant production and operation; the same year the company to determine the organizational structure, clear Chongqing Jiatai Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd "for the company," Chongqing Huantai Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. "and" Chongqing Kaijia Machinery Manufacturing Company Limited is a subsidiary of.

(8) in December 23, 2010, an annual output of 25 million sets of universal gasoline engine cylinder head project in Chongqing Airport Industrial Park started; the same year, universal gasoline engine cylinder head production exceeded 9 million sets.

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